The Infinite Consciousness is eternal. Even within the void, before form became form, it has always been there. Every facet of our known reality is an expression of the same formless and infinite consciousness manifesting itself as finite versions of form.
Infinite Consciousness
Before embarking upon your journey into Continuum, you will first need to understand the universal structure of the model in order to establish a foundation upon which it is based. The Foundations of the CMR provides a relatively brief introduction into each component of the model prior to their fleshing out in further chapters. Here, the first of these is referred to as Infinite Consciousness.
Unlike the consciousness we know of that defines our individual subjective experience of reality, Infinite Consciousness is the omnipotent and omnipresent force that pervades all of existence. It is both the catalyst and product of the expression of itself as the dual components of reality; the physical and non-physical. It is that perpetual, mysterious and non-physical force which powers existence and causes life to be and is the only thing left present during the unending moment of the void. Each of our own consciousnesses, as well as every object, thought and thing in reality is a fractional part of this Infinite Consciousness expressing itself in physical reality.
Infinite Consciousness has no form. It has no singular presence or place in which it resides that is separate from ourselves and it requires no holy place of worship through which to connect to it. As all things are it, nothing then is ever truly disconnected from it and therefore no sacrifice nor worship, religious or other, need be done in order to gain access to its infinite potential. And as individual expressions of Infinite Consciousness, it is our birthright as humans to commune with it under any circumstance, in any state and at any time.
Where monotheistic traditions tend to allude to the existence of a humanoid supreme being that is swayed by the judgement of its own creations, guiding the chosen and punishing the disobedient, the Infinite Consciousness that we call the universe exists beyond and without the limitations of these uniquely human concepts. Perceiving all things and at all times within one single eternal moment through the infinite expanse of its own interconnected expression, the eternal mind advances in lengths of time so enormously large, its very existence transcends our minds’ capacity to properly comprehend where it begins. We are all privy to the grand blueprints of creation, yet it us up to each of us as to how we interpret it and any guidance we may gain access to individually comes as a result of our own desire to be open and to receive it. The clearer the understanding, the closer we may become to knowing the truth as simple as it is profound: that we are one soul split into the infinite array of expressions that forms the fabric of reality upon which we weave the tapestry of our being: individual threads of causality reaching out from a single divine spool.
The Infinite Consciousness is eternal. Even within the void of formlessness, before form became form, it has always been there. Every facet of our known reality is an expression of the same formless and eternal consciousness manifesting itself as finite versions of form. The enduring will of that primordial presence is imbued within all things and so all things in turn possess the same innate intelligence that originated with the birth of our universe. An intelligence that compels all things to come into form based on repeated and cyclic patterns of order rather than making no sense at all. It exists only to be, with no other agenda than to allow the process of creation to unfold. Judging nothing, it provides full support with its infinite creative potential for whoever and whatever you wish to be.
Supreme Duality
This concept is the overarching explanation for the fundamental forces that both generate and influence all aspects of our reality. In traditional philosophical thought structures, Supreme Duality may be compared to Yin and Yang in Taoism or Shiva and Shakti in Hinduism and Tantra. It is described more simplistically by monotheistic religions as good and evil although the actual concept is not so archaic and far more profound. In reality, nothing is inherently good or bad. Things just are and relative meaning is applied to them. All events possess a particular quality or nature that can be viewed in isolation or compared to something else. Supreme Duality is a fluid concept that consists of two complementary yet opposing forces where one force exists in relative opposition, or balance, to the other.
The manifestations of these fundamental forces can be present either as philosophical constructs which can be transferred across multiple examples to explain varying degrees of experiential circumstances such as strength and ease, light and dark, long and short durations of time etc.; as literal, physical or elemental examples such as hot and cold, masculine and feminine traits, fire and water etc.; or as the defining characteristics of an interaction between two subjects where the traits of one subject may complement or oppose that of the other, e.g., the hero and the villain, creator and destroyer, mother and father figure, etc. It is this interplay of complementary yet opposing forces that allows us comprehension of this reality within which we exist. Within the CMR we will refer to this as Relative Balance.
For an indeterminable amount of time there existed only the Void. From this state, the First Occurring Event - what we call the Big Bang - initiated the emergence of the Great Expression, and with it, Supreme Duality: the first ever opportunity for one thing to have perspective and relevance with the presence of another. This was the first ever example of a set of complementary yet opposing forces from which all of existence came into being, and from this assembly, the primordial origins of the entire universe came to be. The two forces of Supreme Duality, by virtue of their relationship, were bound by a field of interaction. It is this formation of connection that would lay the foundations of the interconnectedness of all things to come.
The concept of Supreme Duality is highly relevant as it speaks to the quantum nature of all things, i.e. that all things can possess two vastly opposing, or at least varying potentials at the same time. One only has to look at their everyday life to see that all of reality is determined by this dualistic blueprint. This has also been proven by observing the phenomenal behaviour of subatomic particles where both light and matter each possess the potential to behave as either a particle or a wave: a change of state that is entirely dependent on the perception of the observer. Herein lies the basis of our physical reality where the very particles that constitute our reality exist concurrently as opposing potentials: particles exist simultaneously as both light and matter. That is, the particles that form the foundations of our physical reality inherently exist with the potential of being two things at once. If this has proven to be so on a subatomic level, then there is every reason to believe that it is happening on the macro level as well. Yet just as our conscious minds are unable to perceive this innate potential on a subatomic level, so too can it be a challenge for us to conceive of the implications of this dualistic nature on a personal level. Yet we have all experienced this thread in our lives and continue to do so perhaps without even realising it. I am speaking specifically of instances where no change whatsoever has occurred in the reality around you, yet your experience of your reality changes entirely based on how you perceive it. You can choose to be a victim of the events in your life or see the same apparent failures as a challenge to be overcome. Nothing at all in your reality has changed but for how you choose to view it and taking advantage of one state of mind or the other then radically impacts the outcome of your life. The eventual consequences of what you project in front of you will literally change the fabric of reality around your outlook. We all possess this ability to behave in a quantum way within the decisions we make, consciously or not, every day of our lives.
Onward from our own personal experiences of reality, everything in existence is defined by this dualistic nature and it is apparent in all things. Everything in nature is in a cyclic flux between two states: breathing consists of a pattern of inhale and exhale; our nervous system consists of sympathetic and a parasympathetic division; the vast complexity of digital computations works on a binary system of ones and zeros; life on Earth is beset by the extremes of night and day, summer and winter; as beings, we are here and then we are gone. All of life progresses by transformation from one state to another with nothing ever remaining in a state of perfect balance but a flux between one state and another, from one to the next.
Let’s recap briefly:
Infinite Consciousness now manifests itself in a state of form as represented by Supreme Duality.
Relative balance occurs as an inevitable eventuation of the existence of this duality, with the presence of perspective meaning that one thing may know what itself is in relation to another.
Thus, from this, all things in existence can be created.
The Environment
With the Universal Structure of the model established, we can now project our environment onto it. To carry out the task of ultimate self-realisation, Infinite Consciousness must express itself as an environment into which it can project itself. Enter the physical environment: a domain defined by three dimensions of space and one dimension of time within which we as humans reside. Where the plane from which Infinite Consciousness originates is one of infinite potential, the physical plane is finite by comparison. In the CMR we will refer to the plane of infinite potential as the fifth dimension of our reality. Not to be confused with the multiple interpretations put forward by popular new age culture, the term ‘fifth dimension’ is used for the fact that the measurement that it describes exists beyond the four dimensions of the physical plane yet is still a part of the same reality.
It is important to note here that the term ‘dimension’ does not refer to alternate realities as sometimes described in science fiction, but a way of measuring a particular vessel; in this case, our reality. In keeping with the accurate definition of the word, the fifth dimension according to the CMR is not a separate place beyond our reality but rather the fifth dimension of measurement - a measurement of reality potential - that is present along with the three spatial dimensions and one dimension of time. And while reference to the fifth dimension as a ‘plane’ indeed implies it to be a location, planes are simply a way to differentiate the states of perception within the Environment. Therefore all five dimensions belong to the one physical locale of reality and each dimension is associated with a particular quality, e.g. the fifth dimension is analogous with potentiality just as the fourth dimension is analogous with time.
Where space and time are the finite dimensions that define the physical boundaries of reality, the dimension of infinite potential is that intelligence of Infinite Consciousness inherent in all things and which allows them capacity to be one state or the other. It is the spark that animates an otherwise inanimate collection of inert objects in a box and allows us as individuals the power of free will and the choice to perceive ourselves as either victims or masters of our own lives. It is that which gives life chaos along with predictability. It is not out there; it's right here, and it exerts its influence over our reality in response to the proposition of its own grand existence.
Planes of Perception
Within the CMR, reality exists of three planes: the physical plane consisting of form, the ethereal plane consisting of formlessness, and the transitionary plane which exists as an intermediary of the other two. Rather than a true plane, the transitionary plane is a state of perception that behaves like a buffer between the physical and ethereal planes. In the CMR, we will be adopting a highly relevant term for this concept: the veil. The formlessness of Infinite Consciousness in the ethereal plane projects itself incrementally through the transitionary plane and into a subjective experience that it has created for itself in the form of the physical plane. Fractional portions of the once boundless Infinite Consciousness manifests itself in exponential succession in the form of individual beings in the physical reality. These fractional portions individually are what we understand as to be a soul and the being within which it resides, a participant. This is you and me as we are participating in this reality. And as participants, we are each capable of experiencing a broad range of perceptions through which we may experience it. These different perceptions allow us to understand our reality in relation to its dimensions and therefore governs our experience of it. While realistically, the extent of perceptions available to us as humans would likely be innumerable, the CMR defines a simplified spectrum consisting of nine perceptions: four physical plane perceptions, four ethereal plane perceptions and one transitionary plane perception, or transcendent perception.
Image: Leah Fehres
At this point it is important to clarify that the physical and ethereal planes are not individual places or separate locations from each other, nor is the transitionary plane located in the middle between the two. The diagrammatic representation only conveys them this way to establish their vastly different qualities. There is in fact no separation between these three planes, rather they are three different aspects of the one cohesive environment that is our reality. It is only our perception that for most part, limits us to seeing and experiencing the physical plane of our environment for the time that our soul occupies the physical body. The ethereal plane is not a divine world up in the sky that we ascend a stairway to access; it is all around us, yet the perceptual capacity of the human mind was not intended to see it while we're in the midst of the act of performing as a physical being lest it give the show away. We have been conditioned by the simulation that everything is just as real as our senses convey. That's not to say it's impossible to access higher states of perception through various states of consciousness while we're still here, as you will come to find later on, but these are brief glimpses by comparison to crossing over completely. Also no matter the vibrational state may be that you temporarily ascend to and whatever it is you may glimpse, as long as you actually return to your body, you are still interpreting that experience from within the limits of human perception which are based in the physical plane. With the brain's notorious logic for rationalising spiritual experiences combined with a fallible memory, instances of profound spiritual insight can easily become misconstrued and indeed a great deal more blurry the more time passes since it occurred. This often ultimately results in what was initially an instance of direct and indisputable experience of the ethereal plane or its inhabitants being reduced to a questionable delusion. The framework of the human mind bound by the limits of physical reality are so heavily set that even the observer will come to doubt their own experiences of the divine.
It is only once we cross over, or transition back to the ethereal plane, that we are fully liberated from the dimensions of the box we were contained in and our orb returns home. That is, once our physical body dies, that fractional portion of the collective consciousness which comprises our soul returns to the source which resides from within the ethereal plane. And it is only once we transcend the veil that we are no longer bound by the physical plane nor any of its perceptions. It is this endless repetition of the collective consciousness experiencing itself subjectively through a soul's occupation of a body that it comes to understand itself.
The Mechanisms are the processes by which all manifestations within the Environment are governed. The three primary mechanisms within the CMR are cycles, grid theory and transitionary portals.
Cycles pertain to the behaviour and development of all participants within the CMR and include atomic cycles that describe the behaviour of particles on the atomic, subatomic and quantum levels; life cycles, e.g., cellular cycles (mitosis/ apoptosis), hormonal, puberty, menopause, the ageing process etc.; planetary cycles, e.g., the orbit of planets around a central star, birth and death of celestial bodies etc.; galactic cycles of the development and end of entire galaxies; and aurumic cycles that describe the birth, death, and then rebirth of all of existence. From the quantum level to the macrocosm, atomic cycles describe the quantum substrate of our reality while aurumic cycles describe cycles of the entire universe and existence as a whole.
As humans we are so invested in processes punctuated by a beginning and an end: we are born; we die, therefore that must be all there is. Yet proof of this is based merely on the evidence of experience of those who remain on the physical plane and witness the death of the physical bodies of those who pass on. There is in fact more circumstantial evidence in the form of innumerable accounts of near death experiences to support the soul’s continuum than there is scientific evidence to disprove it. It is well known that our senses of perception are profoundly limited and only register a very small percentage of our known reality. What if there exists such a realm of infinite potential beyond what our physical senses can perceive, that our current technologies can detect, and what our current scientific model accounts for? So great is the naivety of the human mind to assume to be true only that which we can prove.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed so all molecules and matter that exists now existed at the birth of the universe, and before. So, if our very human bodies contain the same atoms that existed at the birth of our universe and there are implications that the consciousness that animates those atoms also cycles and recycles in a process known as soul transmigration. If this process is possible, and therefore everything exists within the mechanism of a cyclic continuum, the CMR proposes that the entire universe also reincarnates and that the physical reality in which we exist is in fact the physical body which the soul of Infinite Consciousness occupies.
From the very beginning of the Great Expansion that we know as the Big Bang, the expression of consciousness in physical form reaches out until it has expressed itself in its entirety; the reversal of this process punctuates the beginning of what we will call the Great Contraction. It is amidst this contraction where all of the matter in the universe will contract back into a state of infinite density - back into a singularity - at which point the Big Bang will occur again. Much like a grand inhale and exhale, each expression of the universe is like the tidal breath of the Infinite Consciousness. Despite how astounding this concept may present, according to the CMR it can only be this way; the same universe repeating in perpetuity because all of the constituents are identical at each end as they are at each beginning. Yet with each cycle, the constituents are expressed in a slightly different way so that each revolution offers infinite potential for new possibilities. This lays the foundation for the potential of an infinite number of versions of our reality. For although we perceive time linearly, if existence never began and will never end, it means that time is in fact non-linear and all versions are existing at the same time. Grid theory is the way of explaining how it is possible for infinite versions of reality to exist by understanding that what we perceive to be solid physical reality is actually a holographic grid of potentials that moves around the determinant factor of consciousness. And finally, it is here that transitionary portals enable us access to every single one of these versions of reality.
So from within the void, aeons from now when our current universe has come to an end only to begin again and the next version of our universe is borne from the nothingness, you may be back here reading these exact same words again.
And if all of this so happens to be true, then in fact you already have…